Following questions are from oracle India HRMS interview.
I will post the answer to all the questions asap.
1> what are the Pl/SQL tables?
Pl/SQL tables are like Cursor, which stores the data in the memory.
This data can be accessed to improve performance.
2> what is ref cursor?
call cursor1(business_group_id)
Here you are executing the cursor only for one BG. This is Ref cursor.
3> what is the profile we need to activate while implementing payroll?
4> what are the 3 profiles we need to activate without which wecannot login into HRMS?
5> what are types of alerts?
Periodic and non-periodic/Event Base.
6> what is the advantage of package? why to use package instead ofprocedure?
Pkg is used for overloading.
Also consider a payroll pkg for Interfaces, you can combine all the required functions
and procedures inside pkg.
Calling Procedure and functions from one Procedure will affect performance.
7> what are the implementations steps for oracle payroll?
Read Oracle HRMS Implementation Guide available on ETRM.
8> what is MD50, MD-70 and MD-120
MD50 is Functonal document
MD70 is Technical Document
MD120 is Deployment Documnet
7> what are user breaks in reports?
Same as Group in SQL.
8> Have you work on forms?
Yes :)
9> what is self service?
Self service is web based Oracle application system.
You need only web browser to access apps. Oh I forgot to mentioned Username and pwd!
10> what is the difference between JOB and Position?
Consider ,
Position : Operator
Job : m/c1 Operator.
So your position is Operator and yer job is to oparate M/c1.
We will discuss on it later on.(No I am not lazy but I need some time to compose the article)
11> What is array in PL/SQL?
<>(Is this a Oracle apps blog or PL/sql blog??)
12> where can I get the salary of the employee?
-- Soham Khot
-- Did you faced any interview recently?
--Send me the questions at soham_khot@yahoo.com. I will publish it on the blog with ans
--and your name (after your consent)
Nov 26, 2007
Interview Questions
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Labels: Interview
Nov 20, 2007
Standard Element link
A Standard element link can be created which will automatically attach the element to the employee satisfying the link condition.
Link Condition: Weekly Payroll
Standard Link Checkbox: Checked
This element will get attached to all the employees having their payroll as weekly payroll.
Standard link is used for salary elements.
Avoid creating standard links as there are alternate ways to get the link defined and load through BEE.
Also standard links are difficult to monitor.
-- Soham Khot
Let me know what do you want from the BLOG?
- Oracle Technical
- Oracle Functional
- Table level design for HRMS
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Labels: Standard Element Links
Nov 11, 2007
What is person_id, employee_number, user_id in Oracle HRMS?
Person_id is always unique across all the business groups
Employee Number is Unique in the business group, but need not be unique in multiple business groups.
BG-1 can have employee number =1,
also BG-2 can have employee number =1
But there can be only one person_id as person_id =1
Ideally one Employee should have only one username or user_id, but Organizations can take different approach based on the system design or business requirement.
Employee can have multiple usernames when he is transfer from one BG to another.
OR Organization can link the new person_id with OLD user_name to keep Username same.
-- Soham Khot
Let me know wht do u want from this BLOG?
ORACLE Functional Articles
ORACLE Configuration Videos
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Nov 9, 2007
Changing Look and feel of Oracle Application
There are two database profile options that can be used to change look and feel.
1.Java Look and Feel.
Java Look and Feel can have two values: GENERIC or ORACLE.
If set to GENERIC, then set Java Color Scheme to blank. Which will leave look
and feel to generic. The Generic look and feel adheres to the native interface
and color scheme of the current operating system.
If set to ORACLE (or if the value is left blank), then the profile option 'Java
Color Scheme' can be used to personalize the colors of your screen.
2.Java Color Scheme.
If 'Java Look and Feel' is set to ORACLE (or if the value is left blank), then
'Java Color Scheme' can be set to new values:
Do the following:
a. Login to Oracle Applications as the System Administator responsibility.
b. Navigate to Profile > System.
c. Ensure that the Site display is checked.
d. Query up 'Java Color Scheme' for the profile.
e. Select the appropriate color under the Site column.
f. Save the selection.
g. Sign off and back on (or change responsibility) for your new color
scheme to take effect.
Be aware that the 'Java Color Scheme' profile has no effect if 'Java Look and
Feel' is set to GENERIC.
-- Soham Khot
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Nov 8, 2007
On Application Server
To Restart : apachectl graceful
TO Stop : apachectl stop
TO Start : appachectl start
-- Soham Khot
Want to know, what is Apache? when to bounce? What is application Server?
Keep Visiting ...
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Nov 5, 2007
Hi Guys,
I am working in oracle apps from last five years now and still facing problems in many things. Since oracle apps in very complex product.We can have common discussion forum for
-Oracle Payroll
-Fast Formulea
I am not the expert in apps but with the help of you all of us can be.
Soham Khot
Oracle HRMS Consultant
-- Soham Khot
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Labels: Intro